Daily News from New York, New York (2025)

DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927 25 Transparent Coats Derive Their Color From Dress's Tint 1 Corinne Lowe Although coats this season are up to many tricks, the newest arrivals are quite transparent. Yes, 5706 we can see right through them. But that's just what they mean us to do, for they are often unlined and made of georgette or wool etamine, which permits the glimmer and shine of the frock underneath to give them color. Such effects are produced both Such effects are produced both by short jacket costumes and by formal ensembles. One charming example of the former type poses over a one-piece frock, a short coat of etamine fitted snugly at the hips and tied with a bow at one side.

The frock sponsors a printed top section and an etamine skirt lined with the same print and wrapped around to accord with the side fastening of the jacket. Georgette serves to accentuate the same idea. Often, however, a coat of this material shows a second layer or lining of lighter or darker tone. But for the average woman who depends altogether on one ensemble for street wear nothing is so good as that reliable style favorite, crepe. Today we are showing an ensemble in one tone of beige crepe.

The one-piece frock is distinguished by particularly charming lines- -pin tucks at the back of the neck, horizontal tucks at the low waistline in front and an interesting skirt seaming with a group of fine plaits directly in front. Flaring from the shoulders and showing a double rolled collar, the coat is ornamented by appliques in self-material of diamond and chevron shaped pieces. Finishing details comprise a matching flower on the coat and on the frock a bow of the type so beloved by Patou. Let me say in conclusion that Vionnet and other style artists in their midseason showings stressed beige coats with particular emphasis. SPECIAL PATTERNS "May, ORDER CORINNE LOWE DESIGNS by making a circle on picture, around the number, and another around the size of each pattern wanted.

Tear out and inclose picture with 25 cents for each number. Send (with your full address) to THE DAILY NEWS MAY MANTON FASHION BUREAU, BOX 417, GRAND CEN. TRAL STATION, NEW YORK CITY. (Copyright: 1927: by Chicago Tribune) APIECE FOR $1 MOMENTS EMBARRASSING THE NEWS will pay $1 for every letter published on "The Most Embarrassing Moment of My Life." Unaecepted manuscripts cannot be returned. Address "Embarrassing Moments," THE NEWS, 25 Park New York, N.

Y. TOO CRITICAL. At the close of our hostess's musical outburst one of the other guests approached me and asked: "Did you like the music? You had such a far away look in your eyes." I had just vehemently explained that I thought it was terrible and that I had been wishing I was far away, when I became aware of a freezing glare of indignation from our hostess who had been standing near. VICTORIA VARON. 115 East 119th st.

UNAPPRECIATIVE. I recovered the flower that had just dropped from a lady's coat. As it was much worn I thought the woman had meant to discard it. She missed the flower and turned to retrace her steps in search of it just as I threw it away. With a panicstricken apology.

I hastened on my way. A. J. LOWERY. 156 Bright Jersey City.

Our Daily Pattern THE NEWS patterns, 10 cents each. Address Pattern Department, THE NEWS, Post Office box 108, City Hall station, New York, N. Y. Inclose 10 cents in stamps or silver. If you do not receive your pattern within five days, phone Caledonia 6721 or 6722.

YOUTHFUL AND SMART. The one piece model can be made with short sleeves when desired. Printed material with plain has been used for the second. Hemstitching has been used for a finish. The long shawl collar is always becoming, Pattern especially to the heavier woman.

No. 729 is cut in sizes 16, 18, 20 years; 34, 36, 38, The 36-inch bust will require yards of material 40 inches wide. 729 777 16-18-20 JC-18-20 84-44 36-42 40, 42, 44 bust measure. Pattern No. 777 is cut in sizes 16, 18, 20 years; 36, 38, 40, 42 bust measure.

Gains 8 Pounds Since Taking Vinol "I felt sluggish, drowsy and weak. A friend suggested Vinol. Now I feel fine and have gained 8 pounds." -R. H. Bailey.

The very FIRST week you take Vinol, you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. For over 25 years, this simple, strengthening iron and cod liver compound has been helping nervous, run-down women, tired men, and pale, sickly children. At leading druggists. $1 BRIGHT APIECE FOR SAYINGS childish saying printed. Unaccepted manuseripts cannot be returned.

Address "Bright Sayings." THE NEWS. 25 Park New York, N. Dorothy, 5, had stood for some minutes watching her father shave. "Daddy dear," she inquired anxiously, "don't you sometimes wish you were bald on chin, too Mrs. CECELIA V.

McFARLANE. 215 West 147th st. Louise looked at the dish on the table containing what her mother had told her was fish cakes, in astonishment. "But mother," she protested, "how do fish cakes swim? Mrs. A.

VOGEL. THE NEWS will pay $1 for each 59-26 56th Maspeth, L. I. Tintex last years faded sports-wear new again So lovely and practical were last year's styles in sportswear that this year Paris has decreed no radical changes. Dainty pastel shades will again feature the mode.

and so all your last year's faded sports wear can be made just as good as new, and right up to the minute in style, with Tintex. Here is real economy! So simple to do, toofor with Tintex Tints you just "tint as you for dyeing heavier apparel or materials use the Tintex fast, lustrous dark colors. And for lace-trimmed silks use Tintex in the Blue Boxit tints the silk, lace remains white. See the Tintex Color Card. Blue Box for lace-trimmed sills (tints the silk -lace remaina white).

Gray Box- -for tinting and dyeing all materials (silk, cotton, mized goods), 154 a package drug, dry goods and dept. stores intex TINTS AND DYES ANYTHING ANY COLOR Distributors PARK TILFORD New lonl you Chafe THIS dainty, greaseless, snow -white, healing heals cream away chafing. Vanishes instantly -cannot soothes raw tender skin, and quickly stain. Get a jar today at any drug or department or send 10c for 25c trial Baltimore, Nor- Md. jar.

sema Chemical Dept. NOXZEMA, SKIN CREAM Greaseless--It Heals Stomach Trouble Gone Bakes 40 Pies "I was a nervous wreck with stomach trouble. Had dizzy spells and could scarcely walk. began taking Adlerika, and now I run a restaurant and bake 40 pies L. Amrol.

Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on 1 BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing and see how much better you feel. It will surprise you! At leading druggists. 1 JEWS WILL OPEN HOME FOR BLIND The first home for the Jewish blind in America, located at 39 7th will open in the next few weeks, according to an announcement terday by Sheftel Needleman, director of the American-Jewish Association for the Blind.

Needleman himself is blind. The home will be under the supervision of the association, and will be equipped with fifty beds. BOY WINS $21,000 FOR LOSS OF EYE As a result of losing an eye when struck by a crank handle from a city snow removal tractor, Victor Belmonte, 9, of 63 Grove Jamaica, Queens, yesterday was awarded a verdict of $21,000 by a jury before Supreme Court Justice Alfred H. Townley. Just out! The 1927 edition.

News Auto Atlas! It's complete. Price, 35 cents. Ask for it on BRUNSWICK New recordings by Brunswick's "Light-Ray" electrical recording method (musical photography) on sale every Thursday DANCE RECORDS "I'll Always Remember trots with vocal chorus. Harry Archer and His Orchestra. 3491-75c "Lonely" "Forgive Me" -fox trots with vocal chorus.

Colonial Club Orchestra. 3506-75c "Doll Dance" "Delirium" -fox trots. Carl Fenton's Orchestra. 3519-75c NICK LUCAS "Underneath the Weeping Willow" "I'm Looking for Girl Named sung by Nick Lucas, "The Crooning Troubadour." 3466-75c "Honolulu Moon" -Kimball Unit Organ. Lew White.

3488-75c "Steal Away" "Goin' to Shout" (Negro Spirituals) male voices. Furman (South Carolina) University Glee Club. 3164-75c "High School Cadets" the Double Boy Scout Band, Springfield, Mo. 3298-75c "Men of "Sea Fever" male voices. Dartmouth College Glee Club.

3174-75c Always Brunswick "At Sundown" "South fox trots. Phil Ohman and Victor Arden with their Orchestra. 3481-75c "That Saxophone "Consolation" waltzes with vocal chorus. Regent Club Orchestra. 3483-75c "Count of Luxembourg" waltzes "Merry Widow" waltzes Frank Black and His Orchestra.

"A Lane in Spain" "Just an Ivy-Covered -sung by Frank Munn, tenor, with orchestra. "In a Little Spanish Town" "Gypsy Love Song" -violin solos with orchestra, played by Fredric Fradkin. "I Passed By Your "When Twilight by Marie Morrisey, contralto. Dernier Sommeil de la Vierge (The Virgin's Last Sleep) (Massenet). Coppelia Ballet Prelude and Mazurka (Delibes).

Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. Henri Verbrugghen, Conductor. something new on Records.

Daily News from New York, New York (2025)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.